For my 5th self promo i decided to shoot an ad for Eco Tools, an organic line of makeup and brushes. I shot on a Phase 1 Mamiya digital back with a 120 mm macro lens.
For James in photographic illustration this week, we were to find a tearsheet we liked and try to recreate it. I chose a Tacori ad because of the lipstick. I could not find large colorful rings like i thought, and realized the lipstick in the ad was much taller than mine. But i still love the outcome.
This is my 4th self promo, i decided to shoot an ad for Ciroc Vodka. I really wanted to shoot a high key vodka ad and Ciroc has the most lovely bottles. This particular flavor: Red Berry, has the flavors of raspberries and strawberries infused, hence the berries.
This is my 3rd self promo, an accessory/fashion diptych. I decided to do it for the clothing site Modcloth, one of my personal favorite stores. I chose modcloth because they always use a wonderful, vintage look. Many thank yous to my model Rachel Reddy and my sister Taylor for the hair and makeup.